In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), the Government of India has launched the Swachhta Hi Seva 2024 (SHS 2024) campaign, aimed at reinforcing the spirit of voluntarism and collective action for cleanliness. To mark this significant occasion, Baroda High School, Alkapuri, Primary Section actively participated by organizing a Swachhta Drive within the school premises.
Students and staff came together to clean classrooms, corridors, and the school grounds, emphasizing the importance of maintaining cleanliness in shared spaces. The event was a great success, fostering a sense of responsibility and unity among all participants.
During the morning assembly, our students also took the Swachhta Pledge, committing to uphold cleanliness in their surroundings and contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment. This initiative not only promoted hygiene but also instilled lifelong values of cleanliness and care for the environment in our students.
We are proud of the enthusiastic participation from our students and staff and look forward to continuing our efforts towards a cleaner, greener India.